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Cass Garison is a poet & artist with an MFA from University of Washington, Seattle. Their first chapbook, "Beauty Exasperated," is available through Common Meter Press. They are a 2023-2024 Hugo House Fellow and have work published at, in Gulf Coast, Washington Square Review, Foglifter, & others. 

a picture of cass sitting with five of their paintings. cass has a green flat brim hat, white shirt, black socks, and brown pants. their paintings are abstract, one is of the king of hearts. one three heads coming out of each other in red orange and yellow, one the three of swords tarot card, one a blue abstract head, and one obstructed

Cass hosts an annual poets & artists retreat in Darrington, Washington and was a part of the Pennsylvania Public Poetry Project in 2019. They have attended Writing Workshops in Greece, the Kenyon Review Writers' Workshop, and the Winter Tangerine Writing Workshop. They received the Academy of American Poets Prize and the Joan Grayston Award from UW Seattle.

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